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The following images and information are provided for news media and meeting planners for use regarding news and meeting involving Don and Kathleen Thoren.

Don Thoren Short Bio

Don Thoren provides clients in North America and Western Europe with Keynote Speeches, Customized Training and Executive Coaching for individuals and teams improving innovation and joint productivity. Named a “Legend of the Speaking Profession, class of 2006, and named to the  National Speakers Association’s “Speaker Hall of Fame”, Don focuses on helping people and organizations learn to “Let Ideas Compete — Not People” so their competing ideas can result in discovering new and better “3rd Ideas.”

Kathleen Thoren Short Bio

Kathleen Thoren is a psychotherapist, professional singer and speaker.  She sang on the Indy Car Racing circuit for 9 years and for 18 years has taught small group intensives and private clients using “The Amazing You System”.   Kathleen and Don are a consultant team in executive coaching situations, presentation training, and in meetings where a man and woman presentation team is desired.  Kathleen’s website is .   She can be reached through Don or her website.

Images of Don Thoren and Kathleen Thoren

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Permission is granted to (a) bona-fide news media running reviews or stories about this book or author, (b) bookstores creating displays or newsletters promoting the book or an author event, and (c) meeting planners preparing materials for an event featuring Don Thoren, to reproduce these photographs and images to further the above purpose. This permission does not extend to websites or publishers creating collections of photographs, drawings, or other information or artifacts.

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